Sunday, December 5, 2010

Embedded audio 5

Am going to see if this will embed the audio using the given code.

Hmm, minus the start/stop keys.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

This is not a podcast

By definition this is not a podcast. This is simply an embedded audio player.

Podcasts are distributed via RSS – Real Simply Syndication – delivered automatically to subscribers. Podcasts, be they audio or video, are downloaded to the user's computer for offline use. Because they are downloaded locally, they can be sync'd or transferred to portable players.

Podcasts use XML – Extensible Markup Language – which describes the podcast, author, website and other information. Enclosed in the markup are items (episodes) which include several data tags. There are specific tags required including title, author, date, length and of course the enclosure URL.

XML has no styling. Different aggregators aka, readers use their own styling to make the ugly XML human readable.

You'll see how different it looks by viewing in Safari, Firefox and iTunes, just to name a few.

Of course if you want to give people a download link simply create a link. And be sure to instruct them to right-click to download the file.

You can also embed from Box like so:

Podcast number 4

So, does this do anything? It seems that putting in the URl in the add enclosure link doesn't really do anything.

Playing with podcasts

This is an old math quiz from a couple of years ago. Sufficient to use for practice.